
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2022

Physics: an exciting science

                                        Physics is very interesting  because as a physicist you research the laws by which nature operates. Unlike biologists or chemists, physicists deal with inanimate nature that does not change physically. Physics is the most fundamental science upon which all other natural sciences are based. Not only is the behavior of matter in space and time examined, but the structure of space and time itself is also investigated.                                          Physics is a diverse science    The term "physics" comes from the Greek and means something like "natural science". Even the ancient philosophers of Greece thought about nature.                             ...

Institute of Geology

                                                                                                                ? What is geology Geology is an extremely fascinating natural science that deals with fundamental questions about the development of the earth and the associated factors and processes. Geology is a highly topical and interdisciplinary natural science that uses the knowledge and methods of other natural sciences, especially chemistry, physics and biology as well as mathematics, to explore our earth. Geology deals with different time scales, ranging from the formation of the earth through the origin of life to the emergence of man and to the present. However, geology also deals with the earth in the futu...